Hey what’s up buddy. Sorry I know it’s been a long time since the last one of these came out. And by a long time I mean two weeks which is twice the usual time it has taken me to do these so far but so I hope you can forgive me for the general tardiness of this email but then again the last week for me has not been comprised of many things you would find very interesting so I hope that when you’re done forgiving me you will also thank me for sparing you all of that nonsense and then once you’re done forgiving and thanking me (you gushy emotional bastard) well then I will probably owe you a “thanks for forgiving me” won’t I and let’s not forget a “you’re welcome” on account of myself having also just been thanked and well now hasn’t this been just a fun wholesome introductory exchanging of pleasantries.
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Fourth Issue
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Hey what’s up buddy. Sorry I know it’s been a long time since the last one of these came out. And by a long time I mean two weeks which is twice the usual time it has taken me to do these so far but so I hope you can forgive me for the general tardiness of this email but then again the last week for me has not been comprised of many things you would find very interesting so I hope that when you’re done forgiving me you will also thank me for sparing you all of that nonsense and then once you’re done forgiving and thanking me (you gushy emotional bastard) well then I will probably owe you a “thanks for forgiving me” won’t I and let’s not forget a “you’re welcome” on account of myself having also just been thanked and well now hasn’t this been just a fun wholesome introductory exchanging of pleasantries.